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Alphastar 716 Splatoon 2


Since blizzcon guests are able to play vs alphastar from the blizzard arcade this year, I decided to give it my best shot. For those of you who don't know me, I am a mid-GM protoss player on the NA server (best finish is rank 50). There were two 'difficulties' of alphastar that were playing; basic and advanced. Advanced being the full power AlphaStar agent that was being tested on the EU ladder. J. Allen Brack said 'if you try this, you will not win'.

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Game 1 (Vs AlphaStar Advanced Zerg):

For my first game against AlphaStar I decided to do an off-meta build that I used to use a lot, a glaive adept timing followed by a DT drop. AlphaStar took a bit of damage from my build, but managed to significantly delay my third base with a pack of zerglings. The follow up roach ravager bust completely ran me over, showcasing AlphaStar's excellent mechanics and macro.

Game 2 (Vs AlphaStar Advanced Zerg):

The second game I decided to do a printf style cannon rush on new repugnancy with a double robo immortal follow up. I am not particularly experienced with this build and was hoping AlphaStar would self desctruct. AlphaStar instead expanded all over the map and managed to build a large ravager ling queen army to defeat my immortals by the time i lost my main.

Game 3 (Vs AlphaStar Advanced Protoss):

AlphaStar did what at first looked like a normal pvp opener, but made 2 zealots out of its first two gates. I decided to attempt to punish this with some stalker pressure, only to discover that alphastar had used the gas it saved by making zealots to rush a large amount of phoenixes. Without proper tools to deal with phoenix harass my economy was slowly picked apart and I died to a the first big attack.

Game 4: (Vs AlphaStar Advanced Protoss)

AlphaStar opened with a low ground gateway with a fast expand (in pvp, what?) and I decided to punish it with 3 gate robo all in. AlphaStar rushed an immortal and a warp prism and displayed absolutely god-tier micro to hold my push.


Game 5: (Vs AlphaStar Advanced Protoss:

I attempted to do a mostly standard build, I opened with stalker sentry and went into blink. AlphaStar did more or less the same build as me and we both expanded. My blink finished and I decided to go pressure. AlphaStar then moved out with blink and a warp prism, and went I tried to fight it did BOTH BLINK MICRO AND PRISM MICRO AT THE SAME TIME. I was completely unable to fight its army and was quickly defeated.

Alphastar Discord Game

Game 6: (Vs AlphaStar Advanced Protoss):

Finally, I threw in the towel, this bot needed taste defeat. So I decided to cannon rush again (this time in a matchup that I am a bit more familiar with cannon rushing in). AlphaStar saw my cannon rush and at first did a pretty solid defense, pulling probes to prevent cannons from going up and to block me from walling in a cannon. Eventually I got a cannon up, but the huge amount of probes that alphastar pulled to the low ground would eventually kill it. This is when AlphaStar made its first and last mistake, it had pulled WAY too many probes into the enclosed area by my pylons, and I quickly placed two pylons to trap nearly all of its probes. With no probes mining, AlphaStar died to a few zealots. Sweet victory, take that J. Allen Brack!

Bonus: At the end of game 6, AlphaStar had a single probe left and a pylon. When I found the pylon with my units AlphaStar did the GG spray before being eliminated. The deepmind devs said they didn't tell AlphaStar to do it. Here's a video of AlphaStar's final moments where you can see the GG spray:

Source: Original link

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© Post 'I played (and beat) AlphaStar Advanced At Blizzcon, here is how the games went.' for game StarCraft.

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