Discord Bot Maker For Mac

  1. Discord Bot Maker For Mac Windows 10
  2. Discord Bot Maker For Mac Os
  3. Discord Custom Bot Maker
  4. Discord Bot Maker For Mac Shortcut
  5. Discord Bot Maker Free For Mac
  1. Under SCOPES, select bot. Finally, click on Copy. Open a new tab and paste in the URL the one you’ve just copied. Select your server and click on Authorize. Your bot is added! Go in the Discord app and check for your bot in the list of users. Give life to your bot. Our bot is on our server but it’s offline. So let’s make it alive.
  2. Congratulations on your success! We're always thrilled to see a new creation flourishing in the world of Discord. You're probably also reading this page because you've been asked to complete some additional steps on behalf of your bot, including a verification process and whitelisting for Privileged Intents. We are constantly striving to keep.

Build custom Discord Bots with no coding.

Build a Free Discord bot with no coding required Make your own discord bot for free in 5 minutes with no coding required. Choose from over 300 commands to enable Moderation, Utilities, Economy and more.

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Discord bot maker for mac pro

'The best software available to make a discord bot with. Intuitive, easy to use, and very useful. With a very active developer, and a super helpful community if your ever stuck. It's definitely a must have if your interested in making a bot for discord.' -Steam user

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  • Build your own bots effortlessly using a flowchart-style editor, no coding required!

  • Custom responses can be connected to command and event nodes.

  • Create actions that will run when various server events occur, such as a new user joining the server.

  • Pre-built elements get your bot up and running quickly.

  • Third-party mods can be added to enhance your bot's functionality.

  • Configure rules to prevent spam.

  • Download your bot's code. This means you can host it on your computer, on a VPS, or on a hosting site like Heroku.

  • Invite your bot(s) to your own servers, or share them with the world.

Examples of bot functionality

  • Text / chat commands

  • Welcome messages

  • Kick and ban commands

  • Create and delete channel commands

  • Give or remove roles from server members

  • Purge (mass delete) messages

  • User XP system

  • Dice roll command

  • Create databases (such as a Pokedex) using data from spreadsheets

  • Send custom embed menus

  • Create role reaction menus with custom responses to each reaction

Contact us

Email: DiscordBotStudio@gmail.com


In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of creating a bot in JavaScript. We will start by creating a Discord server, creating a bot account, and inviting it to the server. Then we will demonstrate how to write JavaScript (Node.js) code to power the bot. By the end, you will have your very own bot that can be invited to any server that you have full control over.

If you are interested in learning how to make a Discord bot in Python, check out Make a Discord Bot in Python and Part 2. Be sure to also check out all of the other Discord related tutorials on DevDungeon.

Video tutorial

Discord bot maker for mac

Create a Discord server

In order to create a Discord server you will need to have a Discord account. If you don't have a Discord account already, sign up and log in at https://discordapp.com/channels/@me. Once you are registered, you can either use the web browser version or you can download the app. They both behave the same. Once you are logged in to the app, look to the bottom-left corner, for the plus (+) sign. Click on the plus sign and it will ask if you want to create or join a server. Click 'Create a Server.' Provide a name, and click 'Create.' The new server will appear in the left column.

Create a Discord app

The next step is to create a Discord App. We aren't writing any code yet, we are just registering the app with Discord. Start by going to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me and create a new app. On your app detail page, save the Client ID. You will need it later to invite the bot to a server. Try to give your app a unique name.

Create a bot user for your app

After creating app, you need to take one further step and add a bot user to the app. You can do this on the app details page. On the app details page, scroll down to the section named bot, and create a bot user. Save the token, you will need it later to run the bot. If you get an error saying 'Too many users have this username, please try another' then you need to rename your application to something more unique.

Note that by default, a bot has limited permissions. It can send and receive messages, add reactions, and do things a normal low-privileged user could do on a server, but it cannot perform admin actions like kicking members or managing channels. To perform those admin actions you would need to add the specific permissions to the bot as well as perform additional authentication steps. We are not going to cover that in this tutorial. We will stick with the default permissions like a regular non-admin user.

Authorize/invite the bot to your server

After you have registered your app and created the bot user for your app, you are ready to invite(authorize) the bot to your server. To do this, you will need the Client ID for your app. You can get this from your app's 'General Information' page.

When you have your Client ID, visit the URL https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=XXXXXXXXXXXX&scope=bot but replace XXXXXXX with your client ID. Choose the server you want to add it to and select authorize.

The Client ID does not necessarily need to be kept secret. If you want to share your bot and allow others to invite the bot to their server, then you can share this link. It will allow them to invite your bot to their server. The bot's token is different though. Always keep the token a secret, as that is the equivalent to your bot's password. Anyone with the token can log in as your bot.


After you authorize the bot for the server, it should then show up in the member list of the server as an offline user. Once we write some code and run it, the bot will appear online.

Prepare your Node.js project workspace

First, you will need to have Node.js installed. If you don't already have it installed, get it from Nodejs.org. I will be using Node.js 10.10.0. You will need Node.js 8.0.0 or newer. You will also need npm but that should come packaged with Node.js.

Once you have Node.js installed, you will need to create a new directory to store your project. Once you have a new directory, open your system terminal/command prompt/shell and navigate to your new directory. You can create the directory in your home folder or anywhere you have permission. You may prefer to create a folder on your desktop.

Keep your terminal open. You will need it in the next step.

Install the Discord.js module

The next step is to install the Discord.js module and its dependencies. Use npm in the command prompt to install the module:

You might see warnings. Those are OK, it is just telling you about some optional modules. As long as you do not see any errors it should be good. Keep your terminal open here so you can run the program you create in the next step.

At the time of this writing, Discord.js is at version 11.4.2. Future version might change how the code works.

Write a simple test bot

At this point, you should have your development environment ready to go with Node.js and the necessary Discord.js module installed. You should also have your own Discord server, app, and bot user that are ready to be utilized. We should take a moment to make sure everything is set up properly. Let's write the simplest bot possible just to make sure it works. Let's create a new JS file and write some code to have the bot log in. You can name the file my_bot.js though the file name is not important.

Create/open the new file in your favorite editor, and put the following code in the file:

You will need to replace the XXXXXXXXXXX with your bot's secret token. This is equivalent to your bot's password, so keep it secret! You can find the bot's token by going to https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/ and then clicking on your app. On the app detail page, click on the 'Bot' section. On the bot detail page, look for the 'Token' section. You will need to 'click to reveal token.'

Save the file and run the code from the terminal:

The output should say Connected as [your bot's name]. If you check the server's member list, the bot should appear online as well. If you can see the bot online in the server, then everything is working properly and we can move on to making the bot actually do something fun! The JavaScript file will continue to run although it doesn't do anything except connect, so use CTRL-C to terminate the program or exit the terminal to kill the process. It is normal for your bot to still appear online for a few minutes after the program is terminated. After a few minutes it will appear offline again.

If you have any errors or get stuck at this spot, try joining the DevDungeon Discord server (https://discord.gg/JWsSHJC) or post a comment to ask for help.

Get a list of servers the bot is connected to

Once your bot is connected, the client object keep a list of servers it is connected to. In Discord terminology, it is called a guild. The client object has an property named guilds which we can access through client.guilds. In the following example, we iterate through the list of servers(guilds) and print out the name of each one. Most likely your bot is only connected to just one server, your test server. Bots can be connected to many servers at once though.

The Discord.js Client object has many other properties, like how long it has been connected, all channels available, and what emojis are available. To see a full list of properties on the Client object, check out the official documentation for the Client object at https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/Client.

Get a list of channels from a server

In the previous example we saw how to get a list of servers the client has access to. Each server can have many channels. The guild object has a property named channels that we can access. That will give us the list of channels for that specific guild(server). Another option is to get channels property from the client object instead of the guild object. If we use client.channels as opposed to guild.channels then we will get the list of all channels from all servers.

In this example, we will extend the code from the previous section. We will still list each server we are connected to, but we will also list each channel's name, type, and ID for each server.

Note that there are multiple types of channels including text, voice, and category. The type 'category' is not a channel that can be used directly, it is just a label for a group of channels.

Find a channel you would like to use to send messages. There is usually a text channel named 'general' that you can use. Take note of the channel ID of the text channel you would like to use. You will need it in the next section to send a message to the channel. For our example, let's pretend the channel ID is 123456789.

Sending a message to a channel

In the previous example we demonstrated how to get all of the channels available. You should have identified a text channel that you want to use. You need the channel.id. For our example, we will pretend the channel ID is 123456789, but you will want to replace that with the actual channel ID. The following code will print 'Hello, world!' to the specified channel as soon as the bot connects.

Posting an image or file to a channel


This example will extend the previous example that sends a message to a text channel. Instead of sending a regular text message though, we are going to send an attachment. An attachment can be an image or it can be a file. The attachment can come from your local hard disk or from a web URL. The code below demonstrates how to create an attachment from a local file and then send it to the channel as well as how to create an attachment from an HTTP URL. Note that for the localFileAttachment to wor, you will need to replace the example filepath with the path to a real file on your computer. The webAttachment should work as it links to the DevDungeon logo but you can change it to any image or file on the web.

Replying to a message

In all of the previous examples, we have taken action as soon as the bot connected by using the client.on('ready') event. In this example, we are going to trigger our code whenever a message is received. The client object actually has several events that we can use as triggers. For example: whenever a channel is created, whenever a message is deleted, or when a user updates their presence(e.g. starts playing a game). See the full list of events that you can use on the Client documentation page at https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/class/Client. For this example we are using the message event, which gets triggered whenever a message is received, either via private message or in a text channel.

The code below will respond any time a message is received with an acknowledgement. Note that the message event gets triggered even when the bot sends a message. This means the bot could enter an infinite loop where it keeps responds to its own messages. To prevent that, the first thing we are going to do is make sure the message received did not come from our bot itself. If it does, we will just return and take no action. If the message received comes from another user, it will continue and reply with the acknowledgement message.

To test the code below, run the bot and using your own Discord user (not the bot) send a message to a text channel on your server that the bot has access to. You can also send the bot a direct/private message and it will respond in the same channel.

Tagging a user

Let's extend the previous example to also tag the user who sent the message. To tag the user, we can take the user who sent the message, receivedMessage.author, and use the toString method to get the properly formatted tag.

Checking if your bot was tagged in a message

Let's extend the previous example even further by only responding to messages if the bot user was tagged. We will have to inspect the message content and see if our bot's tag was mentioned. We do this by converting our bot's user to a string, and then seeing if the message includes that string.

Creating commands

A common task with Discord bots is to create 'commands'. A command in this sense is a message that triggers a special action. Commands are often specified by beginning a message with a special character. For example !help or ?help or something similar.

In this example we will create a few functions to break up the logic. We will still have our event triggered when a message is received, but this time, we will see if the message starts with an exclamation mark (!) and if it does, we will route it to a custom processCommand function. The processCommand function is responsible for taking the full message from the user and breaking it in to pieces. The user can provide extra parameters to the command by separating words with a space. For example, commands can have no parameters or multuiple parameters like this:

Inside the processCommand function, after we remove the leading exclamation mark and separate the command from the arguments, we then inspect the main command and then pass the logic to another function. We create a helpCommand and a multiplyCommand. Depending on what command is triggered, the corresponding function is called.

Discord Bot Maker For Mac Windows 10

There are limitless ways to abstract out a command handler, but this method should be simple enough to understand and be flexible enough for the needs of most people. I provided two sample commands in order to provide a template for creating your own commands. Try extending this example with a custom command of your own. Here are a few ideas:

  • A !ping command that simply responds with 'Pong!'
  • An !8ball command that returns random Yes, No, or Maybe responses.
  • A !fortune command that replies with a random fortune cookie quote.
  • A !weather [zip_code] command that queries a weather API and replies with the local weather.
  • A !bitcoin command that looks up the current BitCoin price.

Try running this code and then sending a message to the bot or to the channel with !help and !multiply.

Changing game presence/activity

Changing the bot's activity is relatively simple. We just need to call setActivity() on the bot's user object. By default it will say 'Playing ____' but you can also change the verb to 'Streaming', 'Listening', or 'Watching'. Try out the code below. After running the code, look at the bot in the member list of the server and you should see it's status change.

Adding a reaction emoji to a message

There are two types of emojis you can use to react to messages. Each server is allowed to have custom emojis. You can also use Unicode emojis. Unicode is an international standard. You can actually copy and paste the Unicode emoji right in to the source code. The code below demonstrates how to use Unicode emojis and custom emojis. It will react using two standard Unicode emojis and then react with every custom emoji on the server (if the server has any). You can upload custom emojis by going to your Server Settings -> Emoji -> Upload Emoji. Note that not every single Unicode emoji is supported, but Discord does support a huge number of them.

Playing audio files in voice chat

Discord Bot Maker For Mac Os

Playing audio in voice channels requires installing extra dependencies. We will not cover this topic here, but you can find more details and instructions in the official documentation on this page: https://discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/topics/voice. Time permitting in the future, this topic might be covered here in more detail.

Discord Custom Bot Maker

How to run a bot 24/7

To keep a bot online all the time, you will need to leave the program running. You can do this by simply leaving your computer on and never turning it off. This is not practical for most people. An alternative is to rent a cheap $5/month server from a provider like Linode or Digital Ocean. They provide cheap linux servers that run all the time in their datacenter. You can run your code there. Another alternative is to use a Raspberry Pi from your house that you leave running all the time. If you want to set up the bot as a systemd service in Linux, check out the creating systemd service files tutorial.

Where to get help

If you have questions or are having any trouble, you can join the DevDungeon community Discord server at https://discord.gg/JWsSHJC or leave a comment on this page.

Discord Bot Maker For Mac Shortcut


Discord Bot Maker Free For Mac

After following the examples in this tutorial, you should have a solid understanding of some common tasks like sending messages, receiving messages, and adding emoji reactions. With these building blocks, you can build bigger, better, more complex bots. I did not cover every possible aspect though. There are still more advanced things you can do like waiting for replies to messages, waiting for reactions on messages, and creating embedded messages. You can find out more about all of those things inside the official Discord.js documentation. If you have questions about any advanced topics, hop in the DevDungeon Discord server https://discord.gg/JWsSHJC and ask.
